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Your Nspired Strategist will manage every aspect of your email newsletter campaigns.

An Nspired Approach to Newsletter Management

Newsletters are popular with small businesses for engaging with current and prospective customers.

However, many small business owners feel overwhelmed by the technical and creative process.  Unfortunately, these processes are necessary to effectively and consistently maintain their newsletters. 

Here at Nspired, our Newsletter Management Strategy is to design and manage your newsletter. Our goal is to keep your audience informed on your brand and offerings.

Need social media to build your lists? Check out our Nspired Social Media Solutions! 

If you have questions, please give us a call at 706-814-8589

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How It Works
Your Nspired Strategist will manage every aspect of your email newsletter campaigns.

Our Nspired Newsletter Management includes:

Full-service email marketing

Campaign management

Newsletter writing services

Content Creation


Marketing Automation

Performance Measurement


You can rest assured your email newsletters will reach targeted recipients and drive return on investment.


Nspired's content marketing experts will organize, oversee and execute your strategy in 7 Simple Steps:

Step 1: Newsletter List Development

Your Nspired Strategist will help you with is compiling a subscribers list and other targeted email recipients for your marketing automation platform or newsletter tool. We can implement and strategically place the following throughout your site:

  • customized website pop-ups
  • eye-catching calls to action
  • newsletter subscription Opt-in forms

Using these strategies, we develop a list of interested, qualified leads who want to learn more about your products and services. We can encourage higher numbers of newsletter sign-ups by providing website visitors with valuable, relevant content in return for their subscription.

Once we have helped you develop your list, we will segment it to ensure your content resonates with them. This is done to maximize your desired outcomes. 

Your Nspired newsletter management team will help you optimize your newsletter apps and analyze subscribers based on criteria. 

Then your newsletters will be designed for each specific segment. This will ensure your content marketing is pertinent and valuable for recipients.

Thus providing continued interest and trust in your brand.

Step 2: Newsletter Creation

Your Nspired Strategist will design email marketing campaigns that can deliver significant ROI, allowing you to quickly and easily reach vast numbers of people.

Newsletters are the best way to nurture leads and strategically guide them down the sales funnel.

Whereas most email recipients are cautious of overtly promotional and unrequested content, newsletter subscribers will welcome high-quality content that interests and benefits them.

Step 3: Subject Lines That Promote Engagement

Your Nspired Strategist will start with subject lines that utilize language proven to inspire interest and urgency among recipients. 

They will also add personalized details, such as names.

We will ensure your email newsletters are laser-focused on cultivating interest and engagement.

Step 4: Custom-Crafted Newsletter Content

We can create your email newsletter from scratch or based on your existing blog posts and other collateral from your content marketing campaigns.

Your Nspired Strategist can measure existing collateral's performance to determine which pieces of content resonate most with your audience based on website traffic, time on site, bounce rates, and other metrics.

Several ways we can create your email newsletters are by:

  • Using repurposed content
  • Expand the value of your current assets to subscribers
  • Spread awareness to new audiences

Your Nspired Strategist will craft headlines and short blurbs to provide email recipients with compelling snapshots of the content found on your site, driving additional traffic back to your website.

Step 5: Email Content Designed for Maximum Readability

We rearrange the text to maximize readability by using subheads, bullet points, imagery, and videos where appropriate.

Your Nspired Strategists will create newsletter templates that intuitively lead the eye through each message to improve read-through and click-through rates. We also implement custom-designed, clickable calls-to-action that guide recipients to a desired next step.

From an interactive newsletter to and one-time promotions, we know that a polished layout and clear CTAs are the engines of successful email marketing campaigns.

Step 6: Newsletter Delivery

Nspired Strategists are well-versed in the breadth of email service providers and are comfortable supporting any capacity needed.

Using newsletter software to segment and tag recipient lists, create drip campaigns, and schedule email send dates, your Nspired Strategist will use best practices to maximize your results.

Permission-based marketing ensures the people who have voluntarily opted to engage with your brand receive your newsletters to optimize your open and click-through rates.

Remember, your business's newsletters will keep you top-of-mind with your prospects so that when they are ready to purchase, they will think of you first.

Step 7: Newsletter Measurement

Your Nspired Strategist will walk you through the results of your newsletter management strategy, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, and how email engagement is translating to revenue growth.

Based on your email newsletter campaign results, we will adjust your strategy as necessary to improve ROI and ensure your newsletters are serving specific goals.

Are you ready for your own Nspired Newsletter Management Strategy Solutions?